A Reader-Focused Social Storytelling Platform
Color Palette: black: 001000 brown: 845E52 creamish: f7c5b0 pink: f5bcb9 grey: f2e1d9
M - Data related logic, select-insert-update-delete, talk to controller V - UI, talk to controler, html-css-js, C - receive input FROM view, process request (get-post-put-delete), gets Data FROM model, pass data TO view
User -> URL —–> router ——> controller <=======> model <=====> DB | V view
No matter what we are browsing, we should only be able to access 1 page robots.txt: tells the search engine what to index and what not to index (here we are telling do not index ajax and admin related pages)
if the php file does not contain any html element, then do not add the closing php tag “?>”
the video explains using CORE folder, but in here its “includes” autoload.php is the init.php why Controller in as php files for classes is that there might be functions that are used by every contoller so we can put them in a single file and include it in every controller
have a controller for each page/view have a model for each table in the database in models folder; we can reuse the common functions in the includes/Model.php